Monthly Archives: August 2017

A Compassionate King

For years Nehemiah thought about his ancestors’ desecrated graves. These thoughts troubled him. Then one day he could no longer hide his feelings behind a forced smile and his routine servant-cup-bearing duties.

“Why is your face so sad?” asked King Artaxerxes. Thick silence filled the throne room.

How do I answer him, thought Nehemiah. Will my reply cost me? My job? My life?

With trembling knees and hands he drew in a deep breath, admonished the king, then told him his desires.

If an earthly king can detect a downcast servant how much more can our Heavenly King discern our intents and desires (Hebrews 4:15)?

Dear Jesus,

You’re our Creator–a God of details. Your word teaches us we ‘have not because we ask not’ (James 4:2). You know the longings, and at times the aches in our hearts. Help us to give voice to those yearnings as we cast our cares on you. More importantly, cause our thoughts to align with your will. In your name we pray, Amen.

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