Monthly Archives: February 2024

Jesus the Gentleman

Jesus the gentleman walked softly by

on rolling waves ‘neath a stormy sky.

The weary disciples, late in the night,

thought it was a ghost and were filled with fright.

Their boat bounced and swayed on the raging sea.

Jesus the gentleman waited patiently

for them to cry out–send the S.O.S.

so He could help them and ease their distress.

“Take courage. It is I. Don’t be afraid.”

Then the sea became calm. The wind obeyed.

On this sea of life storms will come and go.

Jesus the gentleman stands near to show

that He waits for you to call out to Him

before He enters–He’s a gentleman.

Your faith in action begins when you call,

on Jesus the gentleman, Lord of all.

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Filed under apostolic, Bible, inspiration, poem