Category Archives: encouragement

No More Digging


Sometimes I dig up bones–especially when I’m angry. For instance, when someone says something hurtful, my human instinct quickly digs through the past. In the dirt, if I search long enough, I find a mistake, a broken promise, or a repented sin. I reach for one and shake off the dust. Then I remember 1 Peter 3:9, Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing.

I bite my tongue realizing that digging into the past is a choice. Things can change. People can change. I can change. So I must forget what is behind and strain toward what is ahead (Phillipians 3:13).

Help me Lord . . . from now on, no more digging.

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Filed under Bible, devotional, dogs, encouragement, God, Jesus, prayer, reflection

A Lesson From Moko


Moko is a bottle-nosed dolphin near the New Zealand coast. Recently he responded to the distress calls of two stranded whales and led them through a channel and into the sea.

Moko restored them to their intended environment. Due to Moko’s efforts, the whales will hopefully enjoy a few more whale years instead of an early death on a New Zealand sand bar.

Dear Lord

You specialize in turning hopelessness to hope. Help me to be sensitive to the distress signals around me. I long to stand in the gap and intercede for someone who’s lost their way. In this sea of life–I want to be like Moko.

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Filed under beach, devotional, encouragement, God, inspiration, Jesus, prayer

Why Worry?

Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.  Psalm 121:4

Guess there’s no use in two of us staying awake.



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Filed under Bible, devotional, encouragement, God, holy ghost, inspiration, philosophy, prayer, reflection, religion, thankfulness